Thursday, October 1, 2015

3rd Grade Oil Pastel and Watercolor Peacocks!

Week 1, we drew peacocks together using shapes and line (another lesson inspired by I got a good laugh when I explained that most colorful birds are male birds who are trying to impress the ladies with their awesome feathers. I changed things around a little to make it easier for my third graders to draw, but they really showed me they could do it! After using pencil, we traced our lines with Sharpie markers to make sure we could see them through the watercolor paint in week 2.

Week 2, we used oil pastels to color in our bird, and the oval feathers and then watercolored everything else! Students had a great time seeing how oil and water do not mix, and it was cool to see how they turned out so differently, even though we all started with the same idea.

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